Should I Drain Beans for Chili?

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When preparing chili, a common question that arises is whether to drain canned beans. Although it seems simple at first glance, this decision can impact the overall flavor of your dish.

Therefore, it’s necessary to understand the implications of retaining or discarding the bean liquid.

The liquid in canned beans, or aquafaba, contains starches, proteins, and other compounds that contribute to the texture and flavor of the chili. Retaining this liquid can enhance the richness and thickness of the sauce, resulting in a more satisfying dish.

Read on to learn if you should drain canned beans for chili to ensure your chili turns out great.

Should I Drain Canned Beans for Chili?

Insider’s Tip: We recommend draining them. Draining the canned beans allows you to retain control over the consistency and depth of flavor. This ensures a more vibrant and satisfying dish packed with flavor. However, it is solely your preference to drain the canned beans.

Sodium Levels

Canned beans are notorious for their high sodium content, primarily contained in their packed liquid. Leaving the bean liquid in the chili can also make it saltier and less visually appealing.

Enjoying canned beans without draining or rinsing might not be a bad idea, considering sodium is necessary for our body to function.

Simply draining and rinsing canned beans before using them can reduce sodium by up to 41%, while draining alone can still reduce it by 36%, according to Today’s Dietitian

However, it can also remove valuable nutrients and flavor from the dish, resulting in a bland and less nutritious meal. But if you are mindful of your sodium intake, consider buying low-sodium or no-salt-added beans.


While using canned beans for chili is undoubtedly a convenient and time-saving hack, it often comes at a cost. The salty liquid they are packed in can dilute the rich and bold flavors of your chili, leaving you with a bland dish that falls short of your expectations.

And not just salt; the liquid mixture also contains starch and water, leaving a glossy layer on the beans, not only making them unpalatable for your appetite but also affecting their ability to cling to other ingredients in various dishes, especially salads, tacos and pasta dishes.

What to Use Instead

Since we’re talking about draining canned beans due to their salty taste, it’s worth noting that the liquid component adds richness to the chili recipe. What should you use instead of the salty liquid of canned beans?

Choosing to drain canned beans allows you to add many more flavor options to your chili. Substitute the bean liquid with flavorful alternatives such as stock—whether it be chicken, beef, or vegetable—to infuse your chili with complex flavors. Alternatively, water infused with bouillon or aromatic spices can elevate the taste profile without overwhelming the dish with sodium.

Meat Stock

Using meat stock instead of the salty liquid from canned beans offers a flavorful alternative to enhance your chili. Whether chicken stock or beef stock, replacing the canned liquid with meat stock reduces the sodium intake while adding depth to the meal.

Vegetable Stock

Vegetable stock is another healthy twist, especially for vegans and vegetarians on the salty liquid of canned beans. It boosts the taste of chili, adds depth, and lowers the sodium content.

Water with Bouillon

Water with bouillon is another choice for inserting a liquid medium in place of the salty canned liquid of beans. Water infused with bouillon or aromatic spices can elevate the taste profile without overwhelming the dish with sodium.

How to Use Leftover Bean Liquid

If you drain the liquid from canned beans for chili to make a healthier option, you might be concerned about the leftover liquid. Rather than discarding the leftover liquid from drained canned beans, consider repurposing it in other recipes. ​The salty liquid of canned beans might not be suitable for making chili, but it serves as a flavorful medium for making stews and soups. It can also be utilized to add depth of flavor to sauces. You can also add a layer of taste and nutrition to grains like rice and quinoa by incorporating the canned liquid into their recipes.

Insider’s Insight

While using the liquid from canned beans is generally safe, proper handling and storage practices are crucial to minimize the risk of contamination.

Draining canned beans is surely a healthier choice, but if you prefer to add liquid to canned beans in your recipes, make sure to inspect cans before using them.

Look properly for any signs of damage or spoilage. Always follow the recommended guidelines for storing cans to ensure their safety and quality. 


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