About Insider’s Kitchen

Kitchen tips to help you become a great baker and home chef

👋 I’m Alyssa, SEO marketer by day, home chef and baker by night 👩🏻‍🍳

Ever have a super specific question while cooking or baking something new?

How to know if garlic went bad? Best way to store salt? Should I bake cookies on aluminum foil?

These were just a few of my Google searches while learning how to cook and bake throughout the last couple of years. This got me thinking… if I was googling these questions, trying to take skills to the next level, others probably were too — and voila, Insider’s Kitchen was born!

I also run @baked_byalyssa on Instagram where I post my creations of my favorite recipes.

More About Insider’s Kitchen

Do you post recipes?

We don’t have recipes (yet!) but you can use the cooking and baking tips and tools and apply them to your favorite recipes!

Why should I trust your tips?

All posts go through an in-depth research process and information is only sourced from high-credible publications.

Where are you based?

Insider’s Kitchen is based in New Jersey in the United States.